
The Ascent to Truth is unavailable, but you can change that!

In this book, Thomas Merton writes that God himself is truth, and this is the truth people must seek. Merton expresses that contemplation—a supernatural experience of God—is an important aspect of seeking the summit of truth. This book defines the nature of the contemplative experience, describes the necessary interior exercise which precedes it, and illustrates mature contemplation. Merton’s...

in some quarters, and reminded Catholics that their personal sanctity and union with Christ in a deep interior life were the most important things of all. His Holiness writes: We cannot abstain from expressing our preoccupation and our anxiety for those who, on account of the special circumstances of the moment, have become so engulfed in the vortex of external activity that they neglect the chief duty [of the Christian]: his own sanctification. We have already stated publicly in writing that those
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